How The Facebook Algorithm Works in 2023 – Follower Beast

Do you ever wonder how Facebook decides what content shows up in your newsfeed? The answer lies in the mysterious and powerful algorithm that dictates what types of posts a user will see.

Algorithms control almost every aspect of our online experiences, from the music streaming services we use to the websites we frequent, but very few people understand exactly how they work.

Today, we will dive into the complex process behind Facebook’s unique algorithm and explain why it is so effective. With this knowledge, you’ll better understand how social media works. Plus, discover some tricks to get more post impressions!

So grab a cup of coffee, settle into your chair, and relax as we get into the nuts and bolts of how Facebook decides which posts to display on your feed!

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What Is The Facebook Algorithm?

The Facebook algorithm is an ever-evolving set of rules used by the social media platform to personalize content and user experience.

It works in real-time, using various signals from users such as likes, shares, comments, posts, and more to determine what content should appear on their newsfeeds.

This algorithm is responsible for deciding which posts and ads to show when they should be shown, the order in which they should be shown, and how much visibility each post or ad gets.

It also tracks how users interact with content and uses this information to determine what posts appear more frequently and prominently on their newsfeeds.

The algorithm is constantly changing as Facebook tweaks based on user feedback and behavioral data to ensure users have the best possible experience.

All these factors combined make up the Facebook algorithm, one of the most sophisticated algorithms used by any digital platform.

Facebook Algorithm Update Timeline

Since its launch in 2004, the Facebook algorithm has been an ever-evolving way for users to engage with content across the platform.

Over the years, it has changed and adapted to how people use and interact with the site, giving a more tailored experience and allowing developers to create new products.

Here’s a look at some of the significant updates to the algorithm over the past few years.

2019 Update

At the start of 2019, Facebook began rolling out a new algorithm update focused on how content is organized and how people interact with it.

The objective was to give more importance to content posted by people’s friends and family, and prioritize it above content from brands and pages.

This meant businesses needed to adjust their strategy to make sure content was still showing up in news feeds.

2020 Update

The 2020 update saw a few more tweaks to how the algorithm works, focusing on how videos are prioritized.

Videos favorited by friends or liked by family now get higher visibility than those posted by brands and pages.

Businesses need to ensure that their videos are engaging and shareable so that people can interact with them.

2021 Update

The 2021 update was all about how the algorithm handles content from pages and how it affects how users interact with them.

Pages now need to concentrate on producing informative and engaging material instead of solely emphasizing on sales and advertising.

This update also introduced an algorithm that rewards pages for how much time people spend on their content rather than just how many likes and comments they get.

2022 Update

This year’s Facebook algorithm update shifted the focus toward how users interact with content.

The goal is to prioritize posts that lead to meaningful conversations and engagements rather than just ones that get a lot of likes.

It also rewards pages for how much time people spend on their content, giving more visibility to posts that drive discussions.

Most Important Changes To The Facebook Algorithm In 2023

For 2023, Facebook has made several key changes that will significantly impact how content is shared and consumed by its billions of users. Below is an overview of the most significant alterations:

Machine Learning And Improved AI Algorithms

Facebook has invested significantly in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, which will significantly impact how it prioritizes content and delivers personalized experiences to its users.

By leveraging cutting-edge machine learning models, Facebook can now better understand the context of posts and surface the most relevant content for each user.

Original Sources Will Be Prioritized

Facebook has clarified that it wants original content prioritized in its algorithms. To achieve this, Facebook is now actively encouraging users to post their own original materials.

This includes articles or images created by them and penalizing those who share content from other sources without properly attributing the source.

Preference For Reactions Over Likes

Facebook has also announced a shift in its preferences regarding user engagement. Now, instead of prioritizing “likes” on posts, Facebook is giving added importance to “reactions” – expressions such as “love”, “haha”, “wow”, “sad”, or “angry”.

This indicates that Facebook wants to move away from the traditional concept of a “like” as just a simple show of appreciation and instead focus on engagement through more meaningful interactions.

Emphasis On High-Quality Content

Finally, Facebook has emphasized the importance of high-quality content in its algorithm for 2023. The emphasis on original sources and reactions mentioned above is part of this bigger picture.

By encouraging users to create and share thoughtful, high-value content, Facebook will prioritize those posts accordingly in its algorithms.

How The Facebook Algorithm Works In 2023

The Facebook algorithm has changed drastically over the years, and in 2023, it will be more powerful than ever. By understanding how the algorithm works, users can customize their news feed to see content they are interested in and ensure that posts from their friends or pages they follow appear first.

Here’s a breakdown of how the Facebook algorithm works:

Who Posted It

The Facebook algorithm considers the identity of the individual who posted the content. If it is a close friend, family member, or someone you are connected to, the post will be prioritized and potentially appear higher on your news feed.

Moreover, how recently the post was published affects how high in the news feed it appears and how much interaction it has gotten – likes, comments, and shares.

Type Of Content

The nature of the content in a post can also influence its ranking in the news feed. For instance, posts that contain images or videos usually receive more interactions. Thus, the algorithm may give these posts more preference over others.

Also, how relevant the content is to you affects how high your news feed appears.

Interactions With The Post

The latest Facebook algorithm takes into account how much interaction a post has had. If someone interacts with the post by liking, sharing, or commenting, it will be prioritized higher in the news feed.

The algorithm will also consider how often you interact with individual types of posts. For example, if you like every post that a certain page publishes, the algorithm may prioritize this page’s posts, so they show up higher on your news feed.

Training Of The Algorithm And Customization Of Your Feed

The Facebook algorithm has progressed to a level that no longer depends on manual curation. It employs machine learning and artificial intelligence to personalize how the content is exhibited on your feed.

Teach The AI

The first step in how the Facebook algorithm works are training the AI. This involves teaching the AI how to recognize and respond to different preferences.

For example, if you tend to like posts about travel, the AI will learn how to pick up on that and suggest more relevant content.

Customize Your Feed

The second step is customizing your feed. After the algorithm has been trained, it can customize how content is displayed in your feed.

It will look at the types of posts you’ve interacted with in the past, how often you engage with those posts, and how much time has passed since your last engagement. This data assists Facebook in crafting an individualized experience that caters to your preferences.

The Facebook algorithm offers two main features to customize your feed:

Favorites: If you “favorite” a post, the algorithm will mark it as such, and similar posts may be prioritized higher up in your news feed. Moreover, you frequently interact with certain pages or people. The algorithm may prioritize their posts over others.

In-Feed Options: The algorithm also considers how you interact with posts. If you select the option to “hide post” or “hide ad,” then the algorithm will consider this and prioritize posts from other people or pages. If you select the “I don’t want to see this” option, similar posts may be removed completely from your news feed.

Learning By Algorithm

Finally, the algorithm continues to learn and evolve as it monitors how users interact with content.

By adjusting how posts are presented, the algorithm can better understand how to serve up the most relevant and engaging content for each user.

Result: More Personalized User Experience

The result is a more personalized social media experience – one that’s tailored to each user’s preferences and interests.

With the help of AI, the Facebook algorithm ensures users get access to posts that genuinely interest them – making the platform more engaging and enjoyable.

Ranking Factors For The New Facebook Algorithm:

Regarding how the Facebook algorithm works, several key factors determine how content is ranked and how it appears in users’ feeds. Following are the four ranking factors used by the new Facebook algorithm:


One of the most important components in inventory is determining ranking factors for the new Facebook algorithm.

Inventory reflects how much content is available on a platform and how often it’s shared—for instance, having a huge number of active users constantly sharing content could result in increased visibility across the platform.

Inventory also takes into account the type of content that’s being shared. High-quality content is important for gaining visibility since it indicates to users that the platform offers something interesting. Additionally, if a platform has a lot of diverse content — such as images, videos, GIFs, and polls — that could also increase its inventory size.



Another important factor for the new Facebook algorithm is signals. Signals can be active or passive, and both types are important for gaining visibility.

Active signals pertain to user participation with the content – like, commenting, and sharing. These signals denote a curiosity in the content, which can potentially boost its visibility.

Passive signals refer to users who are not actively engaging with the content but still seeing it on their newsfeeds. This signal indicates that the algorithm effectively delivers relevant content to users. Passive signals also indicate new opportunities for engagement.



The new Facebook algorithm also takes into account predictions. Predictions are based on user behavior and can help the platform determine the most engaging content.

For example, if a user enjoys a specific kind of content, the algorithm could predict that they’ll also like similar content in the future. By using predictions, the platform can deliver more relevant content to users and increase engagement across the board.

Facebook Relevance Score:

Regarding the new Facebook algorithm, one of the most important ranking factors is the ‘relevance score.’

A relevance score is a number assigned to each post that indicates how relevant and engaging it is for a particular audience. If the relevance score is higher, there is a greater likelihood that a larger audience will see the post.

So, how does Facebook determine your relevance score? It considers various primary metrics of user interaction, such as likes, comments, shares, and views. It also considers the viewers’ demographic to ensure that only content relevant to them appears in their newsfeeds.

The relevance score is an important indicator of how effectively your content engages with your target audience. A higher relevance score means that you’re creating more compelling and relevant content for the people following you.

It also indicates to Facebook that you have a good understanding of what resonates with your followers, and as such, your content will be more likely to appear in their newsfeeds.

On the other hand, a low relevance score means that your content needs to resonate with your audience and is unlikely to show up in their feed. This can result in diminished reach and lower engagement rates.

By understanding how relevance score works, you can ensure that your content is targeted to the right audience and optimized for maximum reach and engagement.

By creating content that resonates with your followers, you can increase your relevance score and get your posts seen by more people. This is an essential part of succeeding on Facebook in the age of the new algorithm.

Facebook relevance score

Most Significant Ranking Signals of the Facebook Algorithm:

Understanding the key signals contributing to ranking posts is necessary to get the most out of it. Here are the most significant ranking signals of the Facebook algorithm:


The content type of a post is one of the most significant ranking signals used by Facebook’s algorithm. Content such as videos, photos, and other visuals are more likely to be seen at the top of users’ feeds.

This is because Facebook recognizes that people are more likely to engage with illustrated content than text-only posts. If you desire to maximize engagement, it is best to post videos and pictures as opposed to just text.


Posts with higher levels of engagement are more likely to appear at the top of users’ feeds than posts with low levels of engagement.

The Facebook algorithm considers signals such as likes, comments, shares, and reactions when determining how to rank posts for each user. If a post receives significant user involvement, it is probable that it will be viewed more frequently by other users.


Facebook also considers the relationships between users when ranking content in their feeds. Content shared by a user’s friends and family is assigned greater importance than content posted by people with whom the user has no connection.

Building relationships and fostering engagement with other users is important if you want to see your post seen by many people.


The recency of a post is another signal taken into account by the Facebook algorithm when ranking content in users’ feeds.

Posts that are newer and more relevant to the user are likely to be ranked higher than older posts, so it is important to post content regularly if you want your posts to be noticed by as many people as possible.

Helpful Techniques For Outsmarting The Facebook Algorithm To Enhance Engagement:

In recent years, marketers have had to become more creative and strategic when using the Facebook algorithm to their advantage.

The truth is, outsmarting the algorithm can be tricky – but with some tips and tricks, you can ensure your posts get seen by more people and have more impact.

Here we have listed some influential pointers to outwit the Facebook algorithm and amplify engagement:

Create Content Of Superior Quality:

The number one thing the Facebook algorithm looks for is the quality of your content. High-quality content must be informative, pertinent, and captivating.

The algorithm will compensate you with more visibility and user interaction if you can produce high-quality content.

Post Consistently:

The higher your posting frequency, the more favorable your odds of reaching a larger audience.

The algorithm favors frequent posting, so create a content plan that works for your brand and stick to it.This will enable you to display your content to a larger audience and intensify user engagement.

Be regular

Be Timely:

Being up-to-date with your field’s latest news and trends is crucial in outmaneuvering the Facebook algorithm, as timeliness is a decisive factor.

Posting content related to ongoing events or trends will earn you more visibility since the algorithm will give you more priority.

Engage With Your Audience:

Interacting more with your audience raises the chance of improved engagement.

Commenting on posts, replying to comments, and liking other people’s content will help you get noticed by the algorithm and increase engagement.

Activate the audience

Experiment With Different Types of Content:

Try out different kinds of content to increase the likelihood of discovering content that strikes a chord with your audience. By attempting different things, such as images, videos, polls, or stories, you can find out what works best for your brand.

Understand What Your Audience Wants To See:

Understanding what your audience wants to see when outsmarting the Facebook algorithm.

To ensure that you’re creating content that resonates with them and is meaningful, informative, and engaging, focus on understanding their needs and interests.

Invest the time to study who your audience is and determine which content style would resonate the most with them.

Create Oiginal And Authentic Content:

Creating originl and authentic content is essential for boosting engagement on Facebook.

Make sure your posts are genuine and don’t contain false information or fake news that could harm your reputation.

Be transparent in your post, and be sure to source any data or facts you share.

Avoid Spreading Fake News and Misinformation:

It is crucial to avoid spreading misinformation and fake news, as this can lead to decreased trust in your content if your audience recognizes that you are sharing inaccurate information.

Be sure to fact-check everything before posting it on Facebook and ensure the source is credible.

Try Not To Post Borderline Content and Deepfake Videos:

Facebook has certain guidelines for content that can be posted on its platform, so try to stay within these boundaries to avoid getting flagged or banned.

Make sure you’re familiar with the Facebook Community Standards and Guidelines before posting anything so your content won’t violate them.

Integrate Videos Into Your Content Strategy:

Using videos on Facebook can effectively captivate your audience as they provide an interactive experience.

By integrating high-quality and pertinent videos into your content plan, you can enhance engagement and sustain the attention of your viewers.

Don’t Be Afraid To Try Latest Features:

To leverage the latest offerings on Facebook, like Reels and Stories, produce captivating content tailored for these features. Facebook continuously introduces new tools, so make the most of them by creating unique and compelling content.

Experiment with these platforms and be creative when using them. This can support you in reaching a wider audience and increase your chances of boosting engagement.

Promote Audience Interaction and Engagement:

While it’s important to understand the algorithm, don’t try to manipulate it by buying likes or making false statements to get more people to view your content.

This could harm your account and will lead to less engagement in the long run.

Encourage Your Audience To Engage With Each Other:

Inspire and motivate your audience to engage with each other by asking questions, conducting polls or surveys, and encouraging them to share their thoughts and opinions.

This can help create a sense of community among your followers, which is an important factor for increasing engagement on Facebook.

Take Advantage Of Hashtags:

One of the fantastic ways to reach new people and increase your visibility on the platform is by making the perfect use of hashtags.

Make sure you use relevant and trending hashtags so that your posts show up in more people’s news feeds.

Don’t Use Clickbait And Engagement Bait:

Be careful not to use clickbait or engagement bait when creating content, as this can make people feel tricked into engaging with it.

Keep your content honest and straightforward to maintain the trust of your followers.

Never Violate Facebook Community Standards:

The key to success on Facebook is understanding the guidelines that the platform has put in place.

This means avoiding posts or content that violates their community standards, such as spammy marketing techniques or hate speech.

Failing to follow these rules can result in a temporary ban or even a complete shutdown of images that violate their community standards.

Doing so can risk having your page suspended and ruining any progress you may have made in engagement.

Analyze Your Content:

Ensure you regularly analyze your content to see what works and doesn’t. Look at the type of content that gets the most engagement and use this information to inform your content strategy.

By doing this, you can ensure that your content is appealing to your audience, resulting in increased engagement on Facebook.

Boost Well Performing Content:

Finally, when content is performing well, spread the word and encourage others to engage. Share it across other channels or post it again with a new caption or image to get the most out of it.

To expand the reach and engagement of your content, consider sharing it on other social media platforms. You can also try promotional tactics like influencer marketing or sponsored posts to reach your desired audience and boost engagement.

Wrapping Up:

After learning how the Facebook algorithm works, it is important to use this knowledge to benefit your own business or organization.

It is essential to stay mindful of how decisions made on a daily basis can influence how your content is liked and shared.

Understanding how Facebook works and how you can use it to bolster your own visibility means optimizing the user experience, ensuring only quality content is posted, and staying in tune with trends that keep audiences entertained and engaged.

Doing all of this will ultimately ensure that your online presence continues to remain strong in the world of social media.

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